Last week the team was in Cologne, Germany for Gamescom, showing off the game properly for the first time ever! Overall the week was a huge success for us: everyone seemed to enjoy the game, we had a blast sharing it.
We also got loads of useful data from watching people play. We're still processing that now, but we'll definitely be taking in all the feedback we got and using it to make Bad North even better over the coming months.
Press Reactions
We've had some great reactions from press, with The Guardian, Red Bull Games and BigBossBattle all including us in their top games of Gamescom! Gamereactor described Bad North as a "small, elegant strategy game", praising the impressive visuals.
We also got some nice francophone coverage on Tech Art Geek and in this month's issue of CanardPC magazine.

Thank Yous
Special thanks go out to Game City Southern Sweden, Southern Sweden Creatives and Sweden Game Arena, who helped fund and organise our trip to Germany, ran the booth, provided promo stuff and generally took care of a lot of stuff to make this possible!
We'd also like to say a big thank you to everyone who came to see the game! If you weren't at Gamescom (or didn't get the chance to see us) then don't fear. We'll definitely be doing some more shows in the future and the game will be even better by then!